My creative space.....
With a sick child in need of looking after today there isn't alot of creativity going on here but I am pottering about getting my giveaway prizes together and eating nutella on sourdough bread. This is being done in between mopping the patients brow and keeping fluids up. If there isn't anymore vomiting to be done I might even get time to check in on what everybody else is up to today over at Kirsty's.
hope your patient is doing betterand you have a creative day
Oh, your poor old sausage. Vomiting is high on the list of worst possible ailments. Yuck. Hope you get through it and your little poppet is better soon. xo
Poor you... hope your little one get better and noone else get the bug!
Nutella on surdough sounds pretty conforting to me :)
AH, lots of sick children around at the moment. I hope that yours is better as mine are getting better! Mmmm, Nutella!
Hope your little one is feeling better...
Nutella on sourdough? might have to try that I love both and only recently discovered the nutella :)
Ah good to see the Nutella, a staple in our house, I buys jars and jars of the stuff x
hope your patient is feeling better! i love the photo!
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