Home again..................
Home.........what a lovely place it is and all four of us a finally back here. No more living out of suitcases, no more being a hinderance in somebody elses space and no more having to deal with traffic lights. Oh after nearly 8 weeks of driving around very busy places I was very happy to be back where I only come across one set of lights in my usual days driving. I can hear you saying if this is the worst of her holidays she hasn't got anything to complain about and that is very true we had a wonderful break away. Lots of catching up with family and friends, lots of fine food and lots of great activities. We ate food that we love but we can't get here, the kids and I enjoyed going to the movies and hanging out in our local park. I visited, but only briefly the fab lanes in the city and got to see a few of the cute little shops that have sprung all around town. I did make a special trip to Meet me at mikes and Patchwork on central park. They are the things that I really miss, not having regular access to places like this but hey I have come back to Noumea and everything I love about this place has jumped right out at me. The consistently beautiful weather( even though today is raining), seeing the beach everyday and how could I forget the regular visits to the fabulous boulangerie/patisserie..............mmmmmmmm.In my week back I have tried to catch-up with what has been happening in blogland over the past couple of months but my attempts to read all posts have been thwarted through lack of time. I am back into the swing of the normal routine and kids still have two weeks of vacances left so as we all know that doesn't leave much time for frivilous activites but I am trying my best to read them in any spare moment I have. I also have an updated computer system but all is in French so working out how to navigate myself around takes a while too as I look up words in the francais/anglais dictionaire.
I know it is all for the greater good of learning the language and to help me out even more I see that my favourite French gal living in Oz is writing her posts in both languages now. C'est fantastique!Ok this is the longest post I have written for some time and am feeling a tad overwhelmed by it. I will come back with some tales from my trip and a few pics of some very fab thigns I got for xmas.......oh it seems so long ago!
Angelique,It sounds that you had a great time and I am also happy for you that you are glad to be back in Noumea.It is a really tricky thing at tme to create a home feeling away from home, oh sometimes it is even hard to work out where is home I find!Without talking about the brain gymnastic of Francais/Anglais, English/french thingys...
I am glad that you are finding my English/Francais post a good idea!I just can not beleive how it gets my brain and finger tips all fuzzy!
Looking forward to your future pics and fab things to show!
Oh, welcome back ! Bon retour !
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