Monday 27 June 2011

Quiet Monday.............

 My mum has left our sweet shores after staying with us for a month and a bit. There is a bit of a hole and an empty space on the couch where she favoured to sit. My mum usually comes over when we know my husband isn't going to be around much. It is company for me, the kids & another person to help out doing some chores. She helps with  the cooking and cleaning up so I don't have to do it all on my own. She bakes special sponges for the kids and often makes them many things to remember her by. This time around the kids got some crochet lessons.

And I got a spotty teapot and matching cups. Mum is into making teacosies so I got a very special one. All my friends got themselves one too. Everytime they would come around she would have made new one. I know where I got my creativity from as mum is always thinking of something to make and always doing this as she watches the tv or talks to the kids. I can see some of the same tendancies in me when it comes to getting an idea in your head and just wanting to make it staight away.
We will miss the extra body in our house for a few days atleast then the husband comes back. That will make us a foursome again until next Saturday when our next lot of visitors arrives. Hopefully I will get some blogging in here this week in between thinking about getting the house organised and cleaned.

1 comment:

Car said...

Love that teapot and cup set, but how clever is your mum... That teacozy is AWESOME!