Sunday, 16 March 2008


We are trying to put together a wee easter scene here but it seems the chocolate egg laying chickens are doin' a bit of misbehavin'! They just don't want to stay put. We think they prefer roosting in the pot plants and not hanging around the lake with the rabbit. As long as they keep laying eggs we don't care where they go.

Friday, 14 March 2008

Recieved & given....

Yesterday we got a yellow postal card to tell us there was a parcel to be picked up. We all thought it was for D & J as they usually are but no when I picked it up it was for me. I was surprised to say the least. I knew this parcel had come from the UK so I knew it was from a friend who has recently moved there. When I looked inside it was a beautiful necklace with a belated birthday card. I love it, Alison. Thank you very much.
And following on with the birthday theme I have a friend whose birthday is today and I made her a wee flowery brooch. I hope she likes it. Her and the family are coming over for dinner tonight and I had a disastrous time this morning with her birthday cake. The first one failed miserably. That's what you get for trying to cook meringues in humid weather!So I had to rush around and do another.The second turned out perfect. Thank you Betty Crocker.
P.S It is now sunday morning and this was meant to be posted on Friday afternoon. Nothing like getting sidetracked is it!

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

On my desk......part 2

Next viewing of the communal desk.......this week a little tidier with a few new additions.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Bloggers book review.....

Books,books,books. We all love a good read. I love to pick up a book and start reading and get that 'oh I'm not going to want to put this book down till I'm finished' kind of feeling. This happens to me with a lot of books and their the ones I truly rave about to whomever cares to listen. Over at Mikes they are talking about everybodies favs. I put my recommendation in so I thought I better write about it just in case somebody pops over and wants to know what it's all about. My tip was 'Blessed are the cheesemakers' by Sarah Kate Lynch. I was put on to this book by my mum. She'd picked it up from her local library and quickly handed it onto me to read before it was due back and I loved it.
The author is from New Zealand but I think has spent time living in other countries. She has a great way of picking up the quirkyness in people. I will give you a quick rundown of the book and I think that will give you enough of a taste to want to go out and find,buy or borrow it. It's about two bachelor cheesemakers that take in non-meat-eating fecund women to sing the songs of The sound of music while they are milking the cows. This is not sole plot to the book there is quite a bit of other stuff that goes on within the novel too but that's surely enough to wet one's appetite.
Since reading this novel I have found she has written several others. I have found them all quirky and great to read. I would be interested in hearing from anybody else who has read 'The Cheesmakers' to see what they thought of it.
Till next book review. I'm going back to Mikes now to see what eveybody else is reading.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

On my desk.....part 1.

I thought I would join in this seen as I have not much else to do. I am feeling very lack lustre and slack at the moment.
So this is our desk, it is not really mine desk solely as I share with my hubby and the kids if they feel the need to use a desk. At the moment it is in a bit of a mess. There is papers to be filed , french homework to be done and a general tidy up would be good. Lets see if next week I can improve on it's status!