Wednesday 7 November 2007

Old ideas...............

'A late afternoon swim yesterday on a very hot day'
I have been a bit lack lustre about posting lately and haven't quite known what to write about. I also haven't had much time with my mum and mum-in-law visiting us. I tend to sneak off to the computer when I have a spare minute but what I have thought about doing is going back to showing a bit more of where we live( a little inspiration came from this picture). We have just past our first year anniversary here in Noumea and we are all liking it very much. So hopefully a bit more of what we see and do but I need to remember to put the camera in my bag when we go out otherwise I will still have nothing for show and tell.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love this photo! it really gives me feeling for the place where you live. and the perspective is lovely. more, please!