Tuesday 4 November 2008

More zines........

It's seems to me I haven't been doing anything much this week but collecting more zines from the mailbox and boy have they been good. The above one comes all the way from Finland. And did you know it took less time to get here than a parcel sometimes does from Australia!
Sofie has made a little book of puzzles so I am going to take on my holiday tomorrow and do them all. You can find more about her over here.
The next one is truly fabulous. Susannah has put a tremendous amount of time and effort into this zine. It's so beautiful to look I am just lost for words and I don't want to say too much unless others are reading this and haven't received theirs yet. she even put in some badges as a gift.
Last but by no means least is the Relax zine. It has something to take your mind of everything.
It even come with this Yogi tea. Never heard of it before but looking forward to tasting it. Regina has done some lovely illustrating in this zine and you can see more of it over at her blog.

I am going now. I still have a few things to finish up for our holiday before bed.
Goodnight all.

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