Well where did that week go! One minute we are saying our Christmas greetings then all of a sudden we are wishing all a Happy New Year. Our week has been full of playing with stuff received from Santa, drinks with friends and swimming on a desert island.
And there was even a bit of sunset watching with drinks in hand. We have had a few fabulous days away up north with some lovely new friends we have made here. This past year has revolved a lot around friends. Some very dear ones I made when we first arrived left (unhappy) but then there has been some unexpected friendships blossom(happy) and there has even been some made through my blog(very happy).
I have hopes that next year will see me enjoying more of their company........ and them enjoying a bit more of mine.I hope everybody has a great night tonight. We are celebrating it with friends. How appropriate.
To all the lovely people who have visited me throughout the year my family and I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year. Have a great one whatever you do!
P.S On the stereo this Christmas. It's fabulous!
Christmas aprons are made, presents are all wrapped, food for the big day is almost organised. We are now just waiting patiently for the clock to tick tock it's way to Christmas day. The kids are so excited this year they can hardly sit still for longer than 5 minutes.We have continuous chatter about Papa Noel, where he comes from, where he goes to first, how does he carry all his toys, what am I going to get, who makes his clothes, etc, etc,etc......
I am going to leave you with all those questions in mind and maybe somebody can get back to me with some answers and I will forward them on to the two inquisitive ones in our house.
Yesterday I was going through my google reader and saw that Pip had put up a new recipe for a pineapple tea cake so I made it today to take along to another xmas /bbq catch-up. It sure was a winner with the crowd. There nearly wasn't any left for me to try by the time the cut cake got handed around. So I give this cake a big thumbs up and I give it a score of 10 out of 10 for ease of making and perfect of tasting.
I'd suggest you give it a go!!
There isn't much going on around here this Friday. We are one week in on our 2 months break here in Noumea. Talk about a super summer holiday. We have had a week of mixed emotions. Kids tired from a year of school, lots of catch-ups because friends are leaving this island for Christmas's elswhere and just too much Christmas excitement going on. There has been a few tears, some ranting and raving(me) and some sprouting that Santa will not be visiting this house if that kind of behavior continues. Today, though I am happy to say we have had a rest morning with some singing, dancing, movie watching and aren't we all a bit happier. I have even had a chance to pull out my fabric(above) for my apron that I itend to make for Christmas day. If the day continues as is I might even get to get to finish it.On that note I hope everybody else has a good Friday.
I am going to go off now and check up on some other girls Fridays.
I have on a pair of my favourite shoes. These are one of many pairs of favourites. In my history many years were spent working in the shoe industry so I have a particular interest and vast collection of pretty shoes. I may have to make that a Wednesday theme. 'What shoes and I'm wearing........'. Anybody can join in if they like. You can start by seeing a very cute pair here.
It's happened again. It's Friday and I have been baking for weekend events and school endings. Teachers got cookies this year baked with the help of the kids and I made lemon slice only not made with lemons but limes. It's very hard to find lemons here. I will admit that the limes are good in the slice they make it far more tangy. I know this because I have done a taste test already. It's good!!
The slice is to be taken camping to have with cups of tea while which watching children run around to their hearts content.
See you all on Monday, hope you all have a good weekend!
I am a day late for the 'what I'm wearing' theme because yesterdays outfit was far to terrible to show. Today is much better. Another one of my big floral print summer dresses. I need all the summer dresses I can get as it is already really hot here. I have been watching all the snow falling on the otherside of the world. I'm not sure where I would rather be! Snow/too hot, snow/far too hot, snow/swimming in 26 degree water. I think I'll go the later.
I received a parcel yesterday from Sabine who lives in Belgium. It was a very pretty package too. All reds and Christmas like. I signed up on her " pay it forward" post to receive something hand made from her. Now it is up to me to continue on and full fill my end of the deal. Now on my post for getting some recipients for my 'Pay it forward" I only got one sign up. I still have two places if anybody would like to fill them. I think everybody knows the rules but if not you can read them on my post. Please leave me a comment and you to could get a nice surprise in the mail in the next 365 days.
I spent a lovely Sunday watching my very tired children bicker with one another and stitching these stockings. Two are gifts and one is for Juliette of course. I'm not sure why is it that everytime I make something for some other child I always have to slot one in for my kids. I think I have complained about this before.By the way I haven't forgotten about my Advent theme of posting. I have just been a bit slack and the gifts need to pick up a little bit. I can't keep talking about chocolate can I?
I have found that there has been a bit of a pattern forming over the last few Fridays and that is Fridays = baking and this one see's nothing different. We have more social events over the weekend and they all need a little homemade goodness. This afternoons effort created more chocolate balls, these are good for big crowds they make many. The next thing to come from the mixing bowl was Juliette's all time favourite meringues. As you may well have worked out the meringues are for the kid's Christmas do tomorrow. Did the 100's & 1000's give that away!
I hope the weekend is relaxing or productive whichever you want it to be. I wouldn't mind going where this blogger will be off too. I do love a good sale.
Idea taken from here.......not a bad idea.........I'd like to see some others.P.S I don't know how she gets her photos so large!
Day 3 for the advent calendar was a bit dismal-chocolate again-so nothing to show there but there is a new Wednesday theme going on called 'what i'm wearing' for a Wednesday. I thought I might join in I like having a Wednesday thing to do. It reminds me it is the middle of the week and this week see's me wearing my most favourite summer dress. I love the style of it and the big florally pattern. It's a Billabong dress and I tell you this because the surf companies do so some great dresses for this warm climate. Loose, bright and fun to wear.
I have included the next photo to show you just what kind of day it is today to have need to wear such a dress.
Day 2...... A little more interesting. Some yo-yo trims for the tree. I was trying to convince the kids the morning that the advent calendar fairy delivers these nic-nacs but they weren't having a bar of it. Probably because they found a piece of stray ric-rac on the ground near where I usually sit and do my handi work!
Well the day has finally arrived for the children in our house to start the countdown to Christmas eve.The advent calender has become a big thing over the years, they have gotten older and a bit more knowing about all this practise. they like the treats. Django and Juliette have 2 going this year. The first is the chocolate windows- always a winner. The other is a long santa banner with tiny pockets. Everyday is something different. Today though I have no photos as I wasn't particularly organised so they got more chocolate but tomorrow there may well be something to show. The night is still young!
I have looked around and some other lovely blogs today and seen some fantastic advent calenders going on. If you feel inclined have a look at these two.