- Finish a quilt I started Django many years ago. He has had a fascination with mermaids for a very long time and we found some great fabric at GJ's in Melbourne. I would like to complete it before his interest wanes. The quilt top is so close to being finished I am not sure what happened. I think it was moving countries!
-fitting in some extra walks. I only really do a couple a week I would like a couple more but this is tricky for January with kids at home and husband working. I either need to be up earlier or be organized to go as soon as he gets home from work.
-fitting in some extra walks. I only really do a couple a week I would like a couple more but this is tricky for January with kids at home and husband working. I either need to be up earlier or be organized to go as soon as he gets home from work.
- doing a bit more Gocco with the kids. They love it and so do I.
I figure there maybe some things added on as the month goes on and there maybe some things that never get completed but that's the way it goes. We must remember that these fun things need to fit in with the everyday stuff. So here's to January and all she brings.
If there is anybody who would like to join in I will make a list club or something.
I am very good at making very very long lists - this means the things on the lists no longer play on my mind and I can forget about them. I'm not sure that's quite the idea of resolution lists! HA! Happy New Year! t.xx
I will be watching yr lists and making my own too
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