It's February 2nd. Time to go through the January list and see how much I accomplished from it. As I have said before lists are not my thing and I usually do not get to many things marked off them. They are not that important to me but maybe they should be. Anyway here goes with the rundown.
- Django's quilt- Top/bottom and wadding all basted together only needs quilting and binding.
-Walking- yes have been walking and riding the exercise bike a whole lot more. Feeling better for it.
- Sunny got her dress
- Zero on the gocco front
- some new summer dresses- got one finished
There you have it not too bad. You must remember it is still school holidays here and I have a had a sick husband and it's been hot and ...................blah, blah, blah and I'm very good at making excuses.
Bring on February.
great photo, hope yr husband is beter and life is returning to normal
You seem to get better looking eclairs and religieuses in new Caledonia than we get in L.A.
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