Thursday, 4 October 2007

Post haircut blues.............

This morning I was standing in the shower thinking I should write something in here today. I have some time, visitors have left us,the only thing I have to do this morning is make a chocolate cake for the kids to have at lunchtime but I couldn't for the life of me think of anything to write about. Then a situation arose that was worth expressing. In our house this morning we had post haircut blues . My son Django got a much needed haircut and it went from this.......

to this........Oh no look at the expression on his face.I feel so terrible. He didn't want to go to school because he thought everybody would laugh at him. I had to keep reassuring him it was ok and his hair will grow again. When?? Soon!! When he finally walked into his class the kids did look at him but his teacher loved it and keep saying 'j'aime beaucoup comme ca'. If only that was going to make him feel better. Yesterday he wanted it cut in this style but it's hard to explain that to little boy who is feeling very selfconscious. How do you tell a 6year old that it going to be alright and that it isn't the end of the world!! Hopefully when he comes home for lunch he will have cheered up and I can lift some of that guilty weight off my shoulders. I should have known better when he said he wanted it short and spikey. Mothers and guilt. Why are the two so interconnected?

Anyway his sister was trying to cheer him up as we left the house and isn't that one of their purposes in life?

1 comment:

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

Oh no, well i personally like boys with short, back & sides, so i think he looks gorgeous, but we had the SAME thing happen. Drew took the 3 girls to the hair cut, easy . . . same hair cuts, same hair dressers, our twins are super easy - one sports a super short Parisian bob (since she was 3 & her twin sister cut her hair so short, there was little choice, then she became a hair sucker), the other twin has long hair, so just a trim. It was our eldest who was the problem. She is growing out a pixie do, & said the fatal combination - "i'm growing it out but i want to see my ears". Yep, you guessed it, a mullet. Drew looked pale when he came home & i had to tell her how dreadful it looked. Peggy-Jean (Melissa) to the rescue, knowing she cuts her own children's hair successfully, she came up with the great idea of making it look like it was meant to be that way, with little pig tails at the back & product up the front - quirky Japanese style. She left for school the next day feeling fine, she just explained it was a really bad hair cut. Of course, Drew knew it wouldn't have happened if i was there, but hey, thems the breaks. Love Posie